With ALL your heart.

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13

After the message at church last weekend and a night alone seeking God's face through prayer and worship, I knew what I had to do. For a couple years now, Facebook has been a big part of my life. It sounds silly to say that, but that was mainly how I socialized. As a homebody with 3 kids originally and now 6 under 7 years of age, it was easy to excuse my time on there since I don't get out much. I started having severe anxiety about a year ago that I attributed to hypothyroidism, but I now believe that Facebook had a lot to do with it. The constant desire it created to check status updates, likes and comments was not normal. This January I fasted from it for a month and it was the most joyful and less anxious month I have had in a year. As soon as I got back on though, the anxiety was back along with lowered motivation and just a spirit of depression hanging over me. You'd think that I'd be smart enough to say "Enough's enough!" But, I was addicted and placing my time on there before God a lot of the time. So I officially dethroned my facebook idol and deactivated my account a few days ago. I did so without even a goodbye to all my "friends." I figured that they would find some way to get in touch with me if they truly care about me and not just my status updates. Which brings me to another reason I deactivated it. I need to nurture friendships through more than social media. We're moving in the next few weeks and I want to start out right in our new town. I want to meet people and get their phone number. I want to get together and learn about their life in person, not by searching for their profile.

So, that's that. It might be temporary, it might not be. I don't know right now. But I DO know that God is blessing my obedience. My anxiety is 90% gone, my God healed me. The day after I closed my FB account, Seth got a job offer from a title company in Kingfisher paying the same amount he's making now. His office will be 2 blocks from our new house. How GREAT is our God?? Seriously? He has worked everything out for us. The same day, I found out that our amazing new church in Kingfisher was sending volunteers over to help Seth with the house so that we can get moved in. I am ecstatic and so thankful that God has led us to this small town. I never in a million years thought I'd end up there, but with God, I've learned that ANYTHING is truly possible.

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