Day 3 of 29 Gifts

I picked up the 29 Gifts book from the library this evening and have been reading it for the past 30 minutes. It says that it is very important to journal while doing this so that you can see how giving the gifts transforms you, so I'm going to try to journal a little bit on here. In regards to the gifts,  "they can be anything from spare change to a kind word or thought. Along with giving them, the prescription involves thinking of things to be grateful for each day." The author also mentions how when she started giving the gifts, she started receiving them in return. I suppose it's the principle of "you get what you give." I feel silly documenting what I consider gifts, because if a friend is a recipient of one, I don't want this "29 gifts" to take away from the sincerity of it. So, if I've given you a gift or advice, don't think I'm patting myself on the back for it, I'm just journaling! :)

Day 1
Gave:  We donated our last television to the Jesus House. 
Gifts received: More quality time with the kiddos and a more spacious and quiet living room. :)

Day 2 
Gave: A box of tea to a friend, health advice to another. 
Gifts received: A box of organic cookies (Yum!), a buyer for our entertainment center, yay! 

Day 3
Gave: Toys to our local WIC office.
Gifts received: 2 new books for the kids, a shirt for Maggie, an unexpected visit with a friend and a heartfelt thank you from another friend for advice I had given her. 

I am grateful for wonderful parents who love each other and are still married 31 years today! 

Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad! Love you!
I am grateful for all the kids sleeping for an hour and a half at the same time today during nap time. I was able to read my Bible and catch up with friends on the phone in peace.

I am grateful that Seth is cleaning the kitchen right now while I blog. ;-) Love him. 

Love this picture. :) Excuse my laundry.

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