Fish oil: My antidepressant

$11 from Vitacost...
I have dealt with depression since I was 19 years old. I was on a pharmaceutical antidepressant for a year and the side effects were horrible while on it and after I got off of it. I read an article many years ago on how taking fish oil treats depression. I have been on it ever since. I currently take 1000mg of Carlson's fish oil each day. If I miss a couple days, there is an immediate difference in my mood and energy level. I pretty much go from mostly competent to a blubbering mess who can't get off the couch. I had severe complications after Brighton's birth and I completely attribute my mental health afterwards to taking fish oil. I have never dealt with postpartum depression while taking it.

$9 from Vitacost
There are actual studies that show fish oil supplementation can cure bipolar disease. I also recently read an article on how taking the supplement can cure migraine headaches. The article I read in the magazine recommended up to 10,000mg a day for a few months and then dropping it to 1-2000mg after the migraines had improved. Fish oil also thins your blood, so if that's a good thing for your individual health, that's another benefit. I don't need my blood thinned, so I eat lots of salad greens or take a chlorophyll supplement to boost my hemoglobin and clot my blood. Very important if you are approaching the end of your due date if pregnant or are planning on having surgery anytime soon. Chlorophyll can also help anemia and is an alternative to iron supplements that can constipate you. It helps with heavy periods, it is a natural source of Vit. K if opting out of the Vit. K shot for your infant at birth and are planning on breastfeeding. The baby receives the extra Vit. K through your milk. I took it pretty much throughout my pregnancy, but more at the end to help with blood loss after delivery. I took it after delivery until I stopped bleeding. For those who have had a baby, you know that the bleeding can go on for up to 6 weeks. After Owen, mine only lasted about a week because of supplementing with the chlorophyll. I know this is the case because if I forgot and skipped a day, I bled more.

Back to fish oil. I have used Carlson's for years because it is a very reputable brand that tests for purity and heavy metal contamination. It is very important that if taking large doses, you have a good brand. Here is an article on webmd that talks about using fish oil to treat depression. I have also tried flaxseed, which is a good Omega-3 supplement, but I didn't have the same results as I did with fish oil. Not sure why, but it didn't help with my depression at all.

There are many other things that fish oil can help with. If you have any of the following problems, you can benefit from an Omega-3 supplement.

  • Soft or brittle nails.
  • Dry, itchy skin.
  • Chicken skin (tiny bumps on back of arms)
  • Dandruff
  • Aching joints
  • Constipated (less than 2 bowel movements a day)
  • Depression, ADHD or memory loss
  • High blood pressure
  • PMS
  • High LDL, low HDL, and high triglycerides
I want to also add that my kids take fish oil everyday. The baby takes a liquid and the older two take chewable, starburst like vitamins. They all LOVE them. I can get them to do anything for one of their "strawberry candies." Here is the liquid and here is the chewable. My oldest was non-verbal until almost 2 1/2. I started him on fish oil consistently and he started speaking within 2 weeks. I believe 100% that there is a correlation.

"Omega-3 supplements reduce inflammation, which has been linked to almost all brain problems such as autism, ADHD, Alzheimer's and depression." - Mark Hyman, pg. 90 of The UltraMind Solution. This book is unbelievable. If you have any heath problems, you can benefit from reading this book. 

Remember that you are what you eat. Nothing is going to change for you health wise unless you change what you are putting in your body! 

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