2 Minutes

Our 2 minutes in front of the judge went something like this:

Judge: Ms. D, I have in front of me a piece of paper that states that you are relinquishing your parental rights to H. Is that correct?
Mama D: Yes, sir.

Judge: Ms. D, do you understand that by giving up your parental rights you have no say in medical decisions, where she goes to school or anything else in the future?
Mama D: Yes, sir.

Judge: Ms. D, Did anyone threaten, coerce or bribe you to sign this document?
Mama D: No, sir.

Judge: Ms. D, do you believe that this decision is in the best interest of H?
Mama D: Yes, sir.

Judge: By order of the court on July 26, 2012, parental rights of H. D. are terminated. We are off record now. Ms. D, I can tell that this decision did not come easy to you. I wish you the best of luck in life.

No doubt, the hardest moment of Mama D's life and one I will NEVER forget.

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